
Websure is a complete underwriting, risk management and claims administration platform. We offer a huge and highly flexible range of benefits for everyone in the insurance chain.
Websure facilitates underwriting, claims, accounting, management information, document management, rating, email and office integration. Our flexible architecture is ideal for companies running multiple or single entity models, and our collaborative approach and industry knowledge distinguish us from competitors (see ‘Philosophy’).
Key features and benefits include the following:
- Industry-leading product builder tools
- Highly flexible rating tables
- Multiple loadings and discounts
- Clause wordings database
- Calculates premiums and mid-term adjustments
- Multi-currency, including overseas taxes
- Handles wholesale and direct business
- Produces all policy documentation
- Document management with scanning
- Diary and workflow
- Bordereaux reporting
- Management statistics
- Claims processing and reporting
- Renewal processing
- Integrated double-entry accounting
- Cashbook and bank reconciliation
- Cheque printing
- Secure payment by on-line credit card
- Automated direct debit processing
- Built-in disaster recovery
- Integration with Microsoft Office